Meet a Mom – Emily Hand of Hand Picked Haute | Pittsburgh Moms Network

MEET A MOM – Emily Hand
Fashion Influencer behind Handpickedhaute, and Live-streamer on Amazon Live


Where are you originally from, and how long have you lived in Pittsburgh?

I am originally from a quaint little town outside of Erie called North East, PA. It is known for its grape vineyards and wineries. If you have ever watched a Hallmark movie about a small town, that’s basically where I grew up, lol. I moved to Pittsburgh in 2006 for a job opportunity. I was in my 20’s and looking for a fresh take on life.


How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

We have two boys, Lincoln (Link)  is 7, Sullivan (Sully) is 4. Two words to describe them are energy and wrestling.


What do you love about living in Pittsburgh?

I love the spirit of this city. They are passionate about their sports, their holidays, and their people. I love that in about 20-30 minutes you can get to downtown pretty much from anywhere. It’s small enough that it’s not overwhelming, but large enough that there is always something to do.


What’s your favorite restaurant and/or place to shop in Pittsburgh?

My favorite restaurant is any of the Mad Mex’s. If I’m looking to go a little fancier, Vue 412 on Mount Washington is delish and the view is amazing. My favorite place to shop is Shop412 for casual attire. To be honest, I love me a good mall and live closest to the South Hills Village. I am a child of the 80’s and the mall has always just felt like home to me. It doesn’t hurt that I can get an Auntie Anne’s pretzel while I’m there!


Tell us about your business.

I am a Fashion Influencer and a Live-streamer.  I started my blog and Instagram @handpickedhaute to share my love of fashion/beauty with others. I honestly believe that it does not cost a lot to look good. I put together outfits from affordable companies such as Amazon, Target, etc., and post them on social media for my followers with my links for them to purchase the exact products. This gives them the efficacy of choosing an outfit already put together on someone (me) and being able to buy it easily and immediately.. Once I started blogging and posting, I began to get contacted by more and more companies to promote their clothes/products. In addition to my blog and Instagram, I also live-stream on Amazon Live a few times a week. It’s sort of like QVC, but on I also just signed with, The Talent Group, to do some modeling as well.


What do you love about your job?

I honestly love sharing my love of fashion with others and inspiring other people. I also love getting to work with so many different companies and people from all around the globe. Flexibility and being my own boss are also something that I am grateful to have. I pick when and where I work, who I work with, and it’s something that I truly enjoy.


What is your favorite thing to do with your children and/or family?

My family and I love to be active and outdoors. Our favorite activities typically include hiking, bike riding, and camping. We spend A LOT of our time playing in our backyard. We also enjoy going to the pool, practicing the boys’ sports, going to the zoo and museums, and having a family movie night every week.


How do you juggle work and motherhood?

Not well, lol. I live-stream while the boys are in school, but Sully only goes for a few hours twice a week. I work on my collaborations whenever I can fit them in, which is typically the weekends or when my husband gets home from work. It’s a dance for sure, I typically feel like if I’m doing well with work, home-life starts to slide, and vice-versa. I have lots of whiteboards that I utilize for schedules, deadlines, etc. Mom-guilt is real, and I honestly just try to do the best that I can. I was a stay-at-home-mom for several years, I chose to start my business because I needed that Emily fire back. I was known as only Mom for so long, I realized I was missing doing something for myself that I could be proud of, other than my children.


How has the Pittsburgh community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

The Pittsburgh community has been so helpful in my journey as an Influencer from local companies reaching out to do collaborations with me, to meeting Pittsburgh people in real life and having them compliment my content and how it makes their day. That always just gives me newfound confidence and the fire to keep doing what I’m doing. I love working with people and companies that are local because it deepens my connection to the community on a personal and professional level.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from another mom?

“Everything is a season.” This especially helped me get through the newborn reflux time and sleep regressions. They don’t last forever, and knowing that it was finite made it a little easier to get through and less daunting. I’ve carried it with me. It truly helps ease the heaviness of a situation, knowing that it is not forever.


Is there anything that you would like to share with other moms?

I just turned 40, and if there is anything that I’ve learned these past 40 years, it is to just be real, especially with yourself.  I spent a lot of my life trying to please others, doing what I thought I was supposed to do, and creating this perfect life that I thought I was supposed to have. I learned that perfect doesn’t exist. Create a life that makes you happy, even if it’s against the grain or not the norm. Listening to your gut and being true to yourself is the key. It’s okay to say no sometimes, heck a lot of times. If there is something that brings you joy, do more of that, less of what doesn’t.


Want to learn more or get in touch with Emily?

You can find her on Facebook at Hand Picked Haute
IG @handpickedhaute
Email: m[email protected]
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